These Are The Affirmations Your Favorite Beauty Creators Swear By

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Our beauty secrets are what make our routines sacred. As we pamper ourselves and apply our favorite products, we come alive. But what if we told you that one of the best beauty secrets you can do for yourself is to speak positively about yourself in the mirror? That’s right! Tell yourself how beautiful, unique, and divine you are. 

Affirmations have a way of boosting our self-confidence. Sure, our favorite beauty products help, but if we don’t take care of our internal self, our insecurities will surely take over. When we feel good within, it shows. We walk into a room differently and our energy becomes magnetic. Afterall, gorgeous, gorgeous girls are confident! And that’s why making affirmations part of our beauty routines is essential. 

Don’t believe us? Well, some of your favorite beauty gurus participate in affirmations, too. Even your favorite writer. Yeah, that’s right! I’m entering myself into the chat, and I can attest that affirmations are truly the gift that keeps on giving. 

Below three beauty influencers share the affirmations that propelled them into their “it girl” era. 

Taty Cokley, a motivational beauty content creator, is a living testament to the power of affirmations. Her current affirmation is: “everything I need is within me. My value is not determined by others. I am deserving of all the good things life has to offer. I meet them with acceptance, not resistance or hesitation. My determination is stronger than my fear. I am allowed to be powerful.” Cokley says this affirmation to herself every morning to combat her insecurities. “Uplifting myself and being my biggest cheerleader has been critical in my self-love journey. Prioritizing yourself and being your friend to everyone else is extremely rewarding. It’s important to fill your cup before you can fill others,” says Cokley. 

Alyssa Davis is a woman of faith first and an influencer second. She ensures she walks into her day in alignment with God first. “For confidence, I remind myself that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. It stems from Psalm 139:14,” says Davis. The bible verse she refers to reads, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Davis explains that the verse speaks to her because it comes from her creator. It is a reminder that her life has a purpose. Davis says, “it inspires me to be my authentic self instead of striving to be like someone else. I am special and unique in all of my ways because of the God who made me.”

Content creator Tia Tamara knows whatever is meant for her will be. Her favorite affirmation reads, “I don’t chase; I attract. Everything that is meant for me will find me.” Tamara views this affirmation as a true test of her faith. “It takes a lot of patience & courage to go with the flow & allow things to find you naturally. There have been many examples in my life where I found myself chasing something that wasn’t mine, to begin with,” says Tamara. 

She focuses on healing and moving forward, and affirmations have been a significant part of that process. “Once I learned to shift my mindset, stay focused on the now and constantly remind myself that what’s for me will never pass me, I began to attract all of the blessings in my life.”

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