4 Easy Remedies To Stop Your Partner’s Snoring (So You Can Finally Sleep)


Getting quality rest takes a lot of work. Add a partner who is a loud snorer, and finally, getting to sleep may be impossible and frustrating. Sleep is vital for your health, so being partnered with a snorer might decrease your quality of life. However, it’s not like your partner is trying to snore to keep you up on purpose. So, they might need your help to get quality rest beyond you telling them to be quiet or drowning out their snoring with additional noises. There are several creative ways to get them to sleep so you can finally get some rest.

Several remedies to get your partner to sleep: 

Encourage your partner to take a shower and bath: Your partner will be able to sleep easier when your partner can relax. Taking a long, hot shower or bath with Epsom salt helps open nasal passages, which allows snorers to breathe easier.

Change their pillows: It’s always a good practice to change them, especially if your partner may be suffering from allergies that are leading to snoring. Dust and change your pillows often, like every six months, to help keep nasal passages from getting congested. Also consider purchasing a specialized pillow, like an orthopedic one, to elevate their neck.

Roll your partner over: Try rolling them over when your partner is sleeping. Their throat passage may be blocked, which can lead to snoring. Another hack is wedging a pillow against their back, keeping them from rolling onto their back.

Encourage your partner to seek help: Sleeping may be annoying but can be a more serious issue. You should encourage your partner to seek medical attention and get tested for sleep disorders like sleep apnea.

Although it may be difficult to experience your partner snoring, actionable solutions are available.

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