As A Latina, Nail Care Is More Than Self-Care

Taking care of your guests and doting on your family is so Chicano. Putting yourself first and going to therapy is not. Even now, it’s still taboo, but growing up in the ’90s, therapy wasn’t something my family was familiar with. As a low-income household, my parents kept therapy in the “rich gringo” category. But as I reflect on my youth, about 30 years ago, I’ve come to realize that my mom’s nail time could have been a way of accessing a type of therapy unbeknownst to her. Was this a way for my mom to get away from it all and process emotions, all while experiencing a much-needed beauty treatment? Or were her salon trips purely for maintenance reasons? Either way, whenever my mom came back from her nail or hair appointment, her first reaction was always, “Wow!” One simple word that let out a sigh of relief and joy at the same time. Therapy indeed.

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